Preparat, histologi, 100 st. – för mikroskop
Preparat för medicinstudier samt för andra nyfikna.Boxen innehåller 100 histologiska preparat, d.v.s. vävnadspreparat från olika däggdjur. Boxen passar dig som studerar medicin eller är nyfiken på hur kroppen ser ut i detalj.
Rekommenderad förstoring huvudsakligen 40 till 400x (även om 1000x ibland är ett plus).
Lådan innehåller:
* Simple squamous Epithelium sec
* Simple Cuboidal Epithelium sec
* Simple Columna Epithelium sec
* Columna Pseudo strtified cillated epithelium
* Stratified squamous Epithelium sec
* Transitinl Epethelium sec
* Ciliated Epithelium
* Epidermis from human mouth
* Glandular Epithelium sec
* Loose Connective Tissue w.m
* Dense Connective Tissue w.m
* Adipose Tissues sec.
* Hyaline Cartilage sec.
* Elastic Cartilage sec.
* Fibro Cartilage sec.
* Human Chromosome Nonmal Female w.m
* Human Chromosome Nonmal Male w.m
* Medulla oblongata sec
* Red marrow smear
* Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation w.m
* Blood smear
* Hair whole mount
* Smooth Muscle l.s and c.s
* Skeletal Muscle l.s and c.s
* Cardiac Muscle sec
* Spinal Card l.s and c.s
* Sciatic nerve l.s.
* Motor neuron w.m
* Motor Nerve Endings w.m
* Tongue l.s. show filiform papilla
* Esophagus sec.
* Trachea sec.
* Stomach sec.
* Stomach fundic portion sec.
* Stomach Cardiac Region sec.
* Stomach Pyloric Region sec.
* Small Intestine c.s
* Duodenum sec.
* Jejunum sec.
* Ileum c.s. show villi and goblet cells
* Appendix sec.
* Large Intestine sec.
* Colon sec.
* Rectum sec.
* Pancreas sec.
* Spleen sec
* Liver sec
* Gall Bladder sec
* Fat layer
* Fibroblast
* Nerve cells
* Brochiolus
* Lung sec
* Artery sec
* Vein sec
* Large artery sec
* Large vein sec
* Heart l.s.whole
* Kidney l.s
* Kidney with Blood Vessel Injected sec.
* Ureter sec.
* Ovary sec.
* Placenta Human sec.
* Human Sperms smear
* Epididymis sec
* Prostate Gland Human sec.
* Fallopian Tube sec
* Penis c.s
* Cervix sec
* Thyroid Gland sec
* Thymus Gland sec
* Mammary gland sec
* Adrenal Gland sec
* Lymph Node sec
* Salivary gland c.s.
* Cerebrum sec
* Cerebellum sec
* Pituitary gland c.s.
* Tendon teased c.s.
* Eye entail sec
* Eyeball sec
* Human Skin sec show Thick Cornifie Layer
* Human Skin Sec Through sweat Gland
* Human Skin Sec Through Hair Folicle
* White fibrous tissue
* Mucous tissue ,umbilical cord
* Decalcified bone c.s.
* Infant developing bone section
* Developing membrane bone
* muscle-tendon junction l.s.
* muscle spindle
* Nerve bundle
* sympathetic ganglion
* motor cortex section
* sentor cortex
* cerebellar cortex
* Palatine tonsil
* thin skin from human palm section
* finger nail section
* stomach -duodenal junction l.s.
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